Thursday, 16 October 2008


你的回话凌乱着 在这个时刻
我想起喷泉旁的白鸽 甜蜜散落了
情绪莫名的拉扯 我还爱你呢
而你断断续续唱着歌 假装没事了
时间过了 走了 爱情面临选择
你冷了 倦了 我哭了
离开时的不快乐 你用卡片手写着
有些爱只给到这 真的痛了
怎么了 你累了 说好的 幸福呢
我懂了 不说了 爱淡了 梦远了
开心与不开心 一一细数着 你再不舍
那些爱过的感觉都太深刻 我都还记得
你不等了 说好的 幸福呢
我错了 泪干了 放手了 后悔了
只是回忆的音乐盒还旋转着 要怎么停呢
我哭了,因为这歌词的情景跟我的很像,我们说好的幸福呢?因为距离的关系,我们说好的幸福就因为距离而食言吗?还是正如歌词所说的“你冷了 倦了”。而我呢?正如歌词“我错了 泪干了 放手了 后悔了 只是回忆的音乐盒还旋转着 要怎么停呢”?你可以让我的回忆停止吗?或许可以,直到找到另外一个他!



LONELY also can be BRIGHT

Before, saw the side friends all form a pair the pair, can think unavoidably oneself specially lonelily, even can suspect oneself has the huge question, only then can join acts alone variant's ranks.

Recently, friends around me r “not peacefully bid good-bye” in abundance, the reason nearly all communicates the question, some people scolded opposite party selfishly, some people complain opposite party too to be passive.The result is noisy the talk of the town, everybody both eyes are raining.。。

How, was unmarried I unexpectedly happiest?

As soon as careful thought, lonely, pain or not, with alone actually not direct relations.If is unable the academic society and the lonely peaceful coexistence, “lonely” this kind of thing cannot convalesce because of another person's hug, otherwise, but also wants one and undertakes personal maidservant's loneliness, suffers the degree is double.

Discovered now at last that, lonely also is one kind of beautiful.On some model person surface is the human spirit king, but the innermost feelings only pack the cold air actually.Such person is easier lonely.

In the society has many things, looked resembles is lets act alone sedulously the variant embarrassed.For example: A person goes to the dining room to eat the set meal, can increase the laughingstock for other table restaurant patron; A person attends the banquet, enjoys first may not be the good food.But is each kind of strange look enthusiasm receives cordially!

Society's cage blunderbuss values, make many people to loathe lonely one person very much, frequently “in order to seek the partner to seek the partner”, had forgotten actually any is true “the companion”.The share, the share, not necessarily takes two people to mount daily in the same place can achieve.The true loneliness, does not give up pays, too cares about the repayment.Very many people complained nobody approximately, perhaps, another person actually also painstakingly waits for you to tread the first step!

Lonely is not pitiful, is denied lonelily by oneself only then pitiful; Lonely is not wrong, once lives alone lives is inferior to die, only then can teach by the human: Has makes a mistake!

A flower must be in full bloom diligently, can attract many people to watch, to stroke.Same, own must certainly achieve the spirit first independently, joyful plentiful, can give the sense of joy exaggeration side each person.So long as looks side person is smiling, cannot feel was lonely.

Wednesday, 15 October 2008


2day is my 1st time wearing cheongsam in my life, i'm feel very uncomfortable to wearing . but , bcos of SHE performance , i nid to wear it , this cheongsam i borrow fr my cousin.

when i change the cheongsam , all malay girls look at me like a super star , cos they seldom see ppl wearing cheongsam even me oso seldom see . they very like the cheongsam, they say can show out our body shape and look like more noble , got 1 malay girl ask me borrow the cheongsam to her , she want to try, but sorry , not mine , i dun dare to borrow her.

cheongsam is our traditional clothes , but v seldom to wear it even in CNY. especially younger generation.

i wear cheongsam just bcos our SHE project is about perhotelan , so v must act as waitress to serve ppl kuih raya cina , malay n india...i think i no nid to worry abt my SHE result d...hehe...

Tuesday, 14 October 2008

time is pass

i found that 24 hour not enough 4 me,sleeping is important to me,so i must sleep 8-10hour per day.but i hv suscessful to challenge my record,36 hour i dint now i'm very tired, cos yesterday just sleep 9 hour, u guys must blame me is it? but i dun care , this is my style.

exam is around the corner , but i stil relax,i dint pick up even a note to study yet.but the time is pass very fast , yet , nid to sumbit many assignment somemore...haiz !!!

WHAT IS THE LIFE? lecture , test , tutorial , assignment , meeting , it my life just full of this? i dun 1...this is a MECHANICAL life, 3 years university life just living together with this such things? no meaning to me!!!

suffer from insomnia

i had drunk teh ice when dinner,so now i’m suffer from insomnia.
u think what i’ll doing ? study? NO!!! watch movie/drama? NO! i was on9 whole nite!!! i was upload my photo to frenster,view my fren profile to get news fr them,leaving comment to my fren,download song,reading forum,reading newspaper,write blog,reply msg and so on…i was doing something boring…
tmr morning got test somemore , but now i’m suffer from insomnia,i dunno tmr whether i can concentrate or not,yet,tmr whole day class,omg!!! How is my life on tmr? is it i wan to challenge my record? 28hours is my old record , is it i hv to challenge it to become 30++hours? i dun think i can challenge it…
arrrrrr…….my eyes still dont wan to close it,haiz…my mentality is very tired but my physically still very full of vigor.

October 12th, 2008 at 2:59 pm

Sunday, 12 October 2008


< 射手座人的内心不是外表看上去那么乐观的,因为喜欢看的远,容易担忧的事情也就多,在他们的字典里,即使现在好,也不一定代表未来好,有时候很多人觉得很好的一个工作或一个伴侣,他们很轻易的就会放弃掉,可能只是因为一个毫不起眼的小原因。所以,这样的外在表现,就让人们觉得他们不喜欢被某件事情或某个人束缚住,追求自由的,没有压力的感觉。 > > 现实:常说射手座是追求梦想的人,但往往忽略了他们现实的一面,算计起来不会比处女座差哦,只是更高明更隐藏罢了。射手座人的梦想是必须建立在现实的基础上的,一般他们很少谈及自己的梦想,而是实际的去做一些向梦想靠拢的事情。如果可以借巧力完成的事情,决不会多花一点工夫。所以有时候射手座也容易给人耍小聪明的感觉。可是,不得不承认他们完成的还满不错。也许终其一生,他们都在考虑怎么巧妙的做一些事情,花最少的精力去达到最好的效果。所以,很多射手座看上去让人们会觉得很懒,但是其实他们的大脑可没有停下过思考现实的事情。

> > 拒绝低俗:几乎所有的射手座内心都是骄傲的,其程度绝不亚于狮子座。只不过他们不会显现在脸上,外在的表现总是随和的,恰当的。可是内在有着极强的自尊心,敏感也情绪化。因为射手座人心中是骄傲的,所以他们拒绝低俗,不喜欢任何俗气的、粗鲁的事或人。如果可以,他们希望一切有关的事物,都是优雅的、高尚的,值得品味的。而真正能让他们觉得值得交朋友或谈恋爱的人是很少的,虽然表面上他们是很随和的。

> 多情:很多人说射手座多情,尤其是男性。其实在射手座人的心目中,对于爱情确实有理想化的倾向,和他们谈恋爱,是一件高难度的事情。他们非常讨厌俗气的人,所以你不能很物质或喜欢谈钱,但是他们又很现实,所以你不能一文不名,各方面也必须有一定的实力。物质与精神,你必须平衡的刚刚好,才让他们觉得你值得去爱。或者,你有足够的神秘感,可以让他们不知道你的缺点在哪里,而盲目的爱你。一般,当然是没有完美无缺的人的,所以,可能象金牛座这样永远会让射手感觉捉摸不透的闷闷的人,会非常吸引他们;或者象双子那样,足够机智,懂得察言观色,捕捉他们的情绪,才会让他们感觉到爱情的甜蜜。一般射手的感情模式是,第一阶段,你们还不熟悉,他(她)爱上了你,非常热情。第二阶段,你们逐

> 渐熟悉,而他(她)开始龟毛,整天挑剔你的毛病,无论是背地里还是当面。如果你有幸通过他(她)的挑剔过程,基本挑剔出的毛病为零或者你把缺点保密的非常好;那么进入第三阶段,他们就又是忠诚和热情的爱人了。但是基本能通过第二阶段的人非常少,所以有了射手多情一说。其实射手对恋人的挑剔,是源于对爱情的挑剔,对丧失自由感的恐惧。

> > 射手座人的人生,往往是幸运的,因为他们是聪慧的、明朗的、通透的。与众不同,也许是他们终生追求的梦想,希望每一个射手人,可以找到他们的梦想!

> >   人人都说射手座是感情的骗子,对爱情不尊重,只追求片刻的快感,是花心与冲满欲望的象征。朋友们…你们了解射手座最真实的一面吗?

> > 射手座是大孩子,天真与善良,遇到爱情时,可能让人感觉不认真,付出的比谁都少。可是,知道吗?射手座很想爱,却也很怕爱!刚开始他们只是慢慢的付出,谨慎的爱,好怕自己会受伤。可是在一句一句的爱,一天一天的相处下,射手座把带刺的防备丢掉,开始不顾一切的去爱他们所爱的人,在别人眼中,只是射手座为了达到某种目的而作的行动。可射手座不介意,他会在自己幸福的想象中陶醉,希望对方能感受自己的爱,想对方觉得与自己一齐是幸福的。

> > 在射手座爱上了一个人,他会把自己放到最后。有苦自己承担,可能会因为吵了一场小架而不开心,却也是最快认错,无论谁的错,他们都会包容,知道吗?射手座会因为深爱一个人而原谅他的背叛,会因为你的一句话付出很多。他们爱玩,在玩的同时,也希望把那一份好心情带给你,射手座是乐观的。

> > 人们总觉得射手座的世界很快乐,可是呢?射手座难过时没有人知道,他不想让别人可怜自己,射手座不坚强,可是很善良。在你难过时哄你开心,让你有依靠,分手后,他会哭者去想属于你们俩幸福的回忆,也不想爱的人因为同情而勉强和他一齐。他比谁都希望自己爱的人快乐幸福,却常常忽略了自己,全身都是伤也笑着告诉你,我很好不用担心。

> >   在所有人看到他的笑容以为他没事,却不知道失恋对射手座有多大伤害,华丽的外表下有一颗脆弱的需要别人了解和安慰的心。知道嘛?你的一点关心,心思细腻的射手座会记得你对他的好,把自己的爱毫无保留的送给你,射手座是不被了解的,可他们不会怨谁。他们会傻傻的认为,让我承担吧,别让别人也受到伤害。所以,不要让快乐的射手座痛苦,别让他们最有魅力的笑容成为掩饰痛苦的伪装,认真爱射手座。你会知道射手座的爱,是充满泪水的…

Saturday, 11 October 2008

my heart is raining
